

Vitamin A

Products Introduction

Basic information

Vitamin A, chemically known as retinol, was the first vitamin to be discovered.

Edges of NHU

As one of the largest vitamin manufacturers in the world, we provide series of formulations to meet requirements of vitamin A antioxidants from different customers.

As one of the few large vitamin suppliers with the ability to produce VA variety of antioxidant VA products, we provide vitamin A series products that perfectly replace ETQ products for the European Market, and ETQ antioxidant VA products for other markets to meet customers long-standing usage habits.

NHU Nutrition Research Institute (NHU-NRI) is dedicated to extensive applied research in the space of nutrition to accommodate itself to growing market demand. We set our hearts on providing better solutions for users through product R&D, research on nutrition and applied technologies, as well as technical services. Every VA product that we launched on the market has passed stringent application test to assure that it meets the requirements of downstream customers. 


Considering the poor stability and high susceptibility of vitamins, their utilization rate is fairly low. In the practical application process, there are many factors affecting the stability of the product.
2.storage time
4.trace elements and minerals
5.carriers and diluents
6.feed processing methods
In addition to the above factors, light, embedding methods, and interaction among vitamins can all result in the change of vitamin content. For example, the high water-absorbency and alkalinity of choline chloride has destructive effect on other vitamins, which is exacerbated when synergized with other trace elements. Vitamin A is extremely unstable as it contains conjugated?double?bonds. When exposed to UV-light, it is prone to isomerize, thus resulting in lower retention rate. Under the light, the dimerization reaction readily occurs, which reduces the product’s bioavailability.

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