

Vitamin D3

Products Introduction

Basic information

Vitamin D3, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is a steroidal compound that widely exists in organisms and takes part in the cell growth, differentiation, apoptosis, and other processes.

Edges of NHU

Higher flexibility in sourcing with diversified dosage forms for downstream customers to choose from based on the actual formula.

Great compliance with the source of raw materials meeting the requirements of national standards.  

Stable supply for downstream customers underpinned by scale production. 


In view of the poor stability of vitamin itself, vulnerable to the influence of external conditions and other weaknesses, resulting in low utilization rate of vitamin. In the practical application process, there are many factors will affect the stability of the product.
2.storage time
4.trace elements and minerals
5.carriers and diluents
6.feed processing methods
Over and above that, light, embedding methods, and interaction among vitamins can all result in the change of vitamin content. For example, the high water-absorbency and alkalinity of choline chloride has destructive effect on other vitamins, which is exacerbated when synergize with other trace elements.

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