

NHU ranked No. 2 on the list of Best Brands in Independent Innovation


Just before the China Brand Day, the 2021 China Brand Value Evaluation Information Release and China Branding Summit was held at Shanghai International Convention Center on May 9th. At the release for the brand value of  Chinese companies, NHU ranked second on the list of “Best Brands in Independent Innovation” with a brand strength score of 749 and brand value of RMB11.247 billion.

Brand value speaks for the future competitiveness and profitability of a company and constitutes an important part of the soft power for its development. NHU has always been practicing the business philosophy of “value-added, balanced, and sustainable development”. We regard brand building as a critical step in the overall development of the company. Implementing the customer-centric and market-oriented brand cultivation strategy, we exert ourselves to establish effective mechanisms of technological innovations and R&D investments, which have resulted in successful breakthrough in key bottleneck technologies of vitamin E, methionine, and PPS. By building a brand image that speaks for our responsibility for the society, customers, employees, and partners, we contribute to refreshing the world’s perception of “Made in China” and “Developed in China”.

NHU has won many titles including “Export Brand with Key Support from the State”, “Trusted Feed Product in China”, and “Products with Famous Chinese Brands”. We have also been listed as China’s top 500 private enterprises, top 100 fine chemical companies, and top 20 most competitive listed pharmaceutical companies for many years.

The inclusion in the brand value evaluation of China this year highlighted NHU’s strengths of embracing changes and forging ahead with technological innovation as the lever in the face of pressure and challenges. 

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